Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font of Times New Roman; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the text.
- The manuscript used a one-column format and show continuous line numbers.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Contributions that advance knowledge sharing and reasoned discussion between active educators and physical therapy researchers around the world are welcome at the Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia. The scientific underpinnings of physical therapy review, clinical cases, and evidence-based research in acupuncture, aquatic, cardiorespiratory, electrophysical agents, manual therapy, mental health, musculoskeletal, neurology, occupational health and ergonomics, older people, oncology, orthopaedics, palliative care and HIV, paediatrics, pelvic and women’s health, private practice, rehabilitation, and sports science. Articles should be written in clear, succinct English in accordance with the guidelines for scientific writing provided in Scientific Style and Format, the style handbook developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) (7th ed., 2006, Reston, VA, Council of Science Editors). Except for an abstract that appears in conference proceedings, only content that hasn't been published before (either in print or electronically) and isn't currently being considered for publication elsewhere will be considered for publishing. Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia publishing is not prohibited by prior data disclosure (for example, at a scientific symposium). Using the Turnitin plagiarism detection system, the journal's contributions will be checked for any duplication or prior publication. In addition to being prohibited from submitting new papers to the journal in the future, authors who submit previously published work will also have their funding body and/or institution informed.
In order to put it all together, here is a template you can use as a reliable manual for editing your manuscripts: Template
These are the four points that we want our authors to prepare and explicitly state in the manuscripts before we start editing based on our Author and Review Guidelines:
1. The number from the ethical clearance record and a copy. Please email us the patient/family informed permission (in English) and complete the ICJME form available below if your study is a case series or case report.
2. Throughout the manuscript, please disclose any conflicts of interest.
3. Please include a funding statement in your manuscript, if applicable. Get the ICJME disclosure form here.
4. Please list the contributions made by each author. (Get the file here)
(If you don't include these four things, your manuscript will be rejected automatically).
Guidelines for Double-Blind Peer Reviews
The review process at the Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia is double-blind, which means that neither the reviewer's nor the author's names are ever revealed to the other party.
1. Submission
Authors must make sure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity in order to facilitate the double-blind review. Please make sure the following when submitting to PTJI to assist with this preparation:
Send the Blinded Manuscript without author information and the Title Page with author information as two separate files.
Details to help you create the title page
This should contain the title, the names and affiliations of the authors, and the full address, including phone and email numbers, of the corresponding author.
Information to aid in the Blinded Manuscript preparation
There are other measures that must be followed to make sure the paper is properly prepared for double-blind peer review, in addition to the obvious requirement to remove names and affiliations from the manuscript's title. The following are the crucial things that must be followed in order to facilitate this process:
When referencing earlier work by the Authors, use the third person. For example, in place of any statements like "as we have shown before," write "... has been shown before [Anonymous, 2007]".
Make sure that no affiliation-related identifiers are present in the figures.
Limit self-references to articles that are pertinent to the people assessing the submitted paper, but do not remove necessary self-references or other references.
Cite the author's works in the text as follows: "[Anonymous, 2007]".
For blinding, write "[Anonymous 2007] Information withheld for double-blind reviewing" in the reference list.
Don't mention financing sources anywhere.
Please omit the acknowledgments.
File names should not contain any identifying information, such as author names, and document properties should similarly be anonymous.
2. The Initial Evaluation
The manuscript will go through an initial assessment to check the manuscript topic in relation to the journal's goals and scope, grammar quality, and the four prerequisite criteria mentioned above.
3. Peer review
Following clearing the initial inspection, the manuscript will be examined by two experts in the field to assure the quality of their suggestions and comments.
In addition to our reviewer criteria, we also urge our reviewers to access manuscripts using a checklist, such as the Publons checklist or another checklist tailored to the type of publication.
The reviewer checklist is compiled and updated frequently at the link below:
1. Publons Reviewer Guidelines
2. Other check-lists to consider
The reviewer has the option of either rejecting the article or offering comments on a proposal and providing clarification on any portions of the article that were delegated to them.
The reviewers' questions and inquiries will be answered by the writers for a period of seven days before they must resubmit their work to the system. The reviewer will check the text once more before making their final determination (Accept/Reject/Revisions Needed).
4. The Editorial Procedure
The article will then be given to the editor for a final proofread and editing procedure if it has made it through the reviewing phase. Before the article is converted to the pdf galley and published on the website, the author must approve the final version for publications and add or amend small portions of the piece depending on the editor's suggestions.
Authorship ought to be determined by:
Significant contributions to the idea and design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Drafting or critically reviewing the paper for key intellectual content.
Final approval of the published version.
Consent to take responsibility for all aspects of the work in order to guarantee that any concerns about the accuracy or integrity of any portion of the work are duly investigated and addressed.
All individuals identified as writers must be eligible for authorship, and those who are should be listed. Each author should have contributed enough to assume accountability for the relevant parts of the article. Funding, data gathering, or general management of the study team alone do not qualify as authorship.
When a significant, multicenter group has carried out the research, the group should designate the people who take sole responsibility for the manuscript. Editors will ask these people to complete author and conflict-of-interest disclosure forms that are specific to their journal after they have verified that they fully meet the authorship criteria outlined above.
There should be an Acknowledgements section with a list of all contributors who don't match the requirements for authorship. Examples of people who might be honored include a person who offered merely technical support, someone who helped with writing, or a department head who only offered general aid.
The journal presently does not allow authors to be changed, added, or removed after the manuscript has been submitted. It's also not permitted to change the order of the authors once the document has been submitted. Thus be careful when recording the author sequence. The most significant contributors are often listed first, though alphabetical order may alternatively be utilized if all co-authors contributed equally to the paper.
Format for Manuscripts
The title page of the manuscript should include a brief running title, the first name, middle initial, and last name of each author, their affiliation (in English) at the time the study was reported, the name, current address, phone number, fax number, and email address of the corresponding author, as well as the word count and the number of tables and figures. The title page's text should be center-aligned. The primary text and tables must be saved in Microsoft Word document format with a Times New Roman font size of 12 and justified margins. Please don't include endnotes, headers, or footers in your paper.
Research Articles
The following information should be included in the following order: title page, abstract, introduction (no heading required), "Research Design and Methods," Results," "Discussion," "Acknowledgments," "References," tables (each with a title and legend), figure legends, and figures. Research Articles are expected to present a significant advance in the fields of pre-clinical medicine or/and clinical medicine.
All articles must have an abstract. The abstract should convey the main conclusions of the work in an unstructured, succinct, and accurate manner. The abstract can only be 300 words long. It should provide a summary of the manuscript's goals, findings, and conclusions. The abstract should not include references, source data, or statistical significance, and nonstandard abbreviations must be defined.
No more than 40 references should be included in the article, and they should all be single-spaced with justified margins. The CrossRef DOI reference number should be included in the references as well.
Review Articles
Review articles are in-depth, critical analyses of certain research areas and/or methodological stances that are of significant interest to medical researchers. Instead of being a summary, the review should be interpretive and list the several methods that are currently available along with their relative benefits, drawbacks, and particular applications.
Tables should be double-spaced, placed on separate pages at the end of the text, and given a title and number. Please refrain from using tabs or spaces to build tables, columns, or rows; instead, insert tables using Word's "Insert Table" function. Tables 1A and 1B, which include internal divisions, should be supplied as separate tables, i.e., Tables 1 and 2. Unit symbols should only be used in column headings. The table legend should contain a definition for any acronyms that are used. Please refrain from using shading. If a table includes data that requires an explanation in the legend, apply the following symbol sequence, from top to bottom, left to right: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, ‡‡, etc.
If tables are taken from other sources, the legend needs to indicate that. The original publisher and author's written consent must be presented by the author as proof that the replication was authorized.
Digital publishing techniques are used throughout the creation of Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia. Your article will be published online if it is accepted. For the greatest possible printing of your photographs, format your figures according to the instructions in the sections that follow.
Size – Figures must be created at the size at which they will appear in the printed journal. Please make sure that your figures are no wider than one or two columns. Multi-paneled figures should be put together with the least amount of white space remaining.
Fonts - should be 8–10 points in size at 100%, and they should be utilized consistently throughout all figures.
Text: When possible, acronyms should be used to shorten the text on the axes. The y-axis label should also read vertically rather than horizontally. If there is any available white space within the figure, it should be used to add important information; if not, the legend should be used. A description of each panel should be placed in the legend rather than on the figure for figures with numerous pieces, which should generally be labeled A, B, C, etc.
Line and bar graphs - All symbols in the image, as well as the lines in the graphs, should be bold enough to be read after reduction. The following symbols work best for identifying data points and guaranteeing that they can still be easily distinguished after reduction. Please use words rather than symbols to describe the groups in the figure legend, such as "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars = Hb1AC; white bars Represent glucose levels." Until more than two datasets are shown, bars should only be black or white; additional bars should be rendered with distinct, bold hatch marks or stripes rather than different shades of grey.
Text-filled line, bar, and flow charts should be constructed in black and white, not in the difficult-to-reproduce shades of gray.
Reproductions - The legend should indicate if any resources (such as figures and/or tables) were copied from another source. The original publisher author's written consent for reproduction, which the author must be able to produce, is required.
Figure legends. The legends for your figures should be numbered properly and placed at the conclusion of your text; they shouldn't be in the separate figure/image files. For example, "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars = Hb1AC; white bars = glucose levels" may be used to describe the symbols in the illustration.
Only when absolutely necessary, such as for lengthy chemical names (HEPES), processes (ELISA), or phrases used repeatedly throughout the article, should abbreviations be used. Only when used with numbers, shorten the units of measurement. Tables and figures may contain abbreviations.
Values from clinical laboratories should be expressed using the International System of Units (SI). It is preferable to use kilocalories rather than kilojoules. Values for HbA1c ought to be dual stated as "% (mmol/mol)." Please use the NGSP's HbA1c converter to determine HbA1c readings in both percent and mmol/mol at
The Vancouver Style should be followed when listing references (Thomas MC. Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and NSAIDs: the triple whammy). 2000;172:184–185 Med J Australia Guilbert TW, Morgan WJ, Zeiger RS, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Szefler SJ, et al., long-term inhalation of corticosteroids in young children with asthma at high risk. N 2006;354:1985–97 Engl J Med (; and ought to be numbered in accordance with the text's citation sequence. There must be a list of all writers and inclusive page numbers. Like in the National Library of Medicine's List of Journals Indexed for Medline, journal titles should be truncated; for journals that aren't listed, full journal titles should be provided.
If your paper is accepted but you don't follow the requirements, your publishing date can be delayed.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.